Art & Antiques
A collection of silver purses
Three beautiful silver antique purses all hallmarked c1900 and in perfect condition with their original leather lining....
Silverware, Frames, Enamel and Collectibles
Art & Antiques
Three beautiful silver antique purses all hallmarked c1900 and in perfect condition with their original leather lining....
Art & Antiques
An unusual silver pin cushion in the shape of a pig it is completely covered in silver and hallmarked Birmingham 1904 in excellent condion its measurements are 2 inches across by 1 inch making it a...
Art & Antiques
A stunning pin cushion in the shape of a large chick it’s hallmarked chester 1913 by Samson Mordan it measures 2 inches across and 1.3 inches height it is quite unusual and a real collectors piece...
Art & Antiques
Antique whiskey flask hallmarked Birmingham 1918 by ASPREY it has its label attached with whiskey engraved and by Garrads it is in perfect condition...
Art & Antiques
An unusual silver pincushion an elephant with its trunk facing upwards it is clearly hallmarked Birmingham 1904 by the silversmiths Levi &Salmon it is in excellent condition with its original velvet...
Art & Antiques
An unusual shaped enamel and silver gilt pill box c 1900 with a pretty enamel scene depicting a violin player trying to amuse a young couple...
Art & Antiques
A lovely Gold 14 carat pillbox c1920 with a French hallmark it measures one inch diameter with a good hinged closure it weighs 10 grams and is in good condition with a pretty pattern the reverse is...
Art & Antiques
A vintage Parker 65 in excellent condition with initials A R it’s nib is 14 carat and it is marked 12 carat rolled gold...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver overlaid inwell with its original liner it is hallmarked Birmingham 1907 by the silversmith James Dixon it is cut glass with finely cut design on the bottom with bows swags and...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful quality silver and crocodile hip flask in amazing condition hallmarked Sheffield 1901 by William Hutton the cup has a gilded interior and it’s is 6 inches in length 3 inches wide...
Art & Antiques
A Quality silver & crocodile hip flask in excellent condition hallmarked Sheffield 1901 by the silversmith William Hutton it closes well and the cup has a gilded interior fits comfortably into your...
Art & Antiques
Antique solid silver compact with an engine turn finish and gold accents it has a heavy gauge weighing 173 grams hallmarks are London 1955 by the silversmith Cohen & Charles the mirror is perfect an...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver jewellery box on feet hallmarked Birmingham 1906 by the silversmith Thomas Hughes it stand on four feet lined in plush blue velvet a simple elegant style completely solid silver it...
Art & Antiques
A small mini elephant pin cushion hallmarked Birmingham 1909 by Adie & Lovekin with clear hallmarks it measures 1.6 inches by 1 inch a really cute piece...
Art & Antiques
An antique silver whiskey noggin with it’s original silver whiskey label in great condition it has a conical style and hallmarked London 1911 by Garrods...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver and faux tortoishell jewellery box lined in blue velvet standing on Four cabriole feet it has lovely inlay and its shape and style enhances it’s beauty it’s hallmarked London...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver pilll box by Asprey lovely size decorated with lines on one side and plain on the other giving place for engraving hallmarks Birmingham 1966 an£ measuring 2 inches across and...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver and enamel turquoise blue box it is in perfect condition gilded interior with its original mirror two inches diameter and a wonderful bulbous shape making a most desirable piece...
Art & Antiques
A stunning ostrich wallet with silver corners marked 925 signed as genuine ostrich but Leone it measures 4.6 inches across and3.6 inches length with several dividers and a purse section plus a wallet...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver antique pin cushion in the form of an elephant hallmarked Birmingham 1907 by the silversmith Adie & Lovekin in great condition it measures 3 inches across and 2 inches in height it...
Art & Antiques
An unusual silver pin cushion crafted in a Victorian style hallmarked Birmingham 1908 by the silversmith Henry Mathews it measures 3.6 inches across and 1.5 height the cushion is original a lovely...
Art & Antiques
A stunning blue enamel and silver hand mirror it measures 13 inches in length and 4 inches across it is hallmarked Birmingham 1937 by Charles S Green &Co ,the enamel is in excellent condition as well...
Art & Antiques
A beautiful silver antique double frame Birmingham 1915 by the silversmith William Norris it is engraved very finely on the outside and gilded inner with two oval inserts to place the pictures of your...
Art & Antiques
An unusual cast silver miniature table and chairs with the cherubs seated having a great tea party by the silversmith Berthold Muller and clearly fully hallmarked Chester 1898 a must for any...