Art & Antiques
Indian miniature bronze of a seated four-armed figure, mid-19th century
Indian miniature bronze of a seated four-armed figure, mid-19th century...
Art & Antiques
Indian miniature bronze of a seated four-armed figure, mid-19th century...
Art & Antiques
Indian bronze/copper alloy miniature figure of the standing Hindu deity Vishnu, holding a conch shell and the chakra, South Indian 19th century...
Art & Antiques
Burmese Shan Jumbupati bronze Buddha, late 18th century, seated and crowned, with openwork appendages developed from the ribbon-ends of the crown, seated on a lotus base....
Art & Antiques
Thai Bronze head of Buddha Gautama Sakyamuni, 16th century, shown with small haircurls covering his head and ushnisa, with a fine band separating his forehead from his hairdress....
Art & Antiques
Japanese bronze menuki, in the form of a running boar, the beast with outstretched hind legs, upturned snout and sharp tusks, the tusks and eyes in a paler shade, its body with bristle detail....
Art & Antiques
Chinese bronze mirror, with central knop surrounded by smaller bosses interspersed with quails, encircled by patterned bands....
Art & Antiques
Shan/Burmese bronze votive deposit, 18th/19th century, depicting the 'great departure' of Siddhartha upon his horse Kanthaka, accompanied by his groom Chandaka and a the divine figure Mara holding up...
Art & Antiques
Shan/Burmese bronze Kinnara loom pulley fragment, 19th century, in the form of a Kinnara (mythological, hybrid creature, half human and half bird)....
Art & Antiques
Shan/Burmese bronze votive deposit, 18th/19th century, depicting the 'great departure' of Siddhartha upon his horse Kanthaka whose hooves are held above the ground by ganas/yakshas....
Art & Antiques
South-East Asian bronze votive deposit, 18th/19th century, depicting the 'great departure' of Siddhartha upon his horse Kanthaka accompanied by four ganas/yakshas, with the divine figure of Mara in...
Art & Antiques
vv, her eight arms holding the chakra, conch, bow and arrow, sword, spear, club, trident and lotus....
Art & Antiques
This piece is a beautiful Bronze-cast depiction of the goddess Isis-Hathor, from the Late Egyptian Dynastic to Ptolemaic Period (Ca. 664-30 BC). Situated in her lap is the infant Horus (sometimes...
Art & Antiques
A gilt bronze vanitas relief with a skull....
Art & Antiques
Antique Bronze of Cowboy with the Paul Trubetskoy signature dated 1911 and Milan Foundry stamp....
Art & Antiques
Small Russian bronze blessing icon cross, 19th century, the front with Christ crucified at Golgotha outside the city gate with the Father and Holy Spirit in the form of a dove above accompanied by...
Art & Antiques
Russian 19th century bronze Tsar Bell...
Art & Antiques
Qajar Ewer, made from bronze, in beautiful condition. ...
Art & Antiques
Qajar Ewer, made from bronze, in beautiful condition. ...
Art & Antiques
Fine quality signed 19th century French bronze figure of a naked maiden seated in a pensive pose on a foliage stump circa 1880...
Art & Antiques
Roman Bronze Bangle...
Art & Antiques
Russian gild bronze model of cannon "Tsar Cannon" on stone base, Private bronze foundry c.1880 after the model of Kreyton....
Art & Antiques
Evgeni Alexandrovich Lanceray, 1848-1886...