Art & Antiques
Boxwood snuff box carved in relief with foliage. Italian, early 19th century.
A boxwood snuff box carved in relief with foliage....
Early European Sculpture, Jewellery and Works of Art.
Antiques gallery with art of the Gothic and Renaissance periods and objects of the Wunderkammer.
Open by appointment only.
Art & Antiques
A boxwood snuff box carved in relief with foliage....
Art & Antiques
A gilt bronze figure of candle bearing angel....
Art & Antiques
A small gilt bronze figure of Saint Catherine of Alexandria....
Art & Antiques
A gilt bronze relief of a seated Saint Mark with his lion....
Art & Antiques
A bronze figure of Saint John the Evangelist....
Art & Antiques
A gilt bronze relief of the lion of Saint Mark....
Art & Antiques
A bronze figure of the seated Madonna and child....
Art & Antiques
An extraordinary and rare polychromed pearl shell carved with the last judgement....
Art & Antiques
A gilt bronze vanitas relief with a skull....
Art & Antiques
An amusing figural coquilla pipe....
Art & Antiques
Boxwood snuff box carved in relief with the crucifixion and objects of the passion....
Fine Jewellery
A Renaissance gold ring set with a table cut hessonite garnet....
Fine Jewellery
A gold ring set with a fine carnelian intaglio of Hermes Kriophoros....
Fine Jewellery
A Georgian gold ring set with a banded agate intaglio of a Bacchic mask....
Fine Jewellery
A Renaissance gold and enamel relief of the crucifixion....
Fine Jewellery
An important ancient gold ring belonging to an early Christian....
Art & Antiques
A silver vanitas medal with a skeleton and the bust of a woman....
Fine Jewellery
A gold ring set with a Thewa work green glass plaque....
Fine Jewellery
A classical revival necklace set with eighteen ancient hardstone intaglios set in high carat gold....
Art & Antiques
A small jet figure of Saint James the Greater....
Fine Jewellery
A gold ring with a magical jasper intaglio of a lizard....
Art & Antiques
A small jet figure of Saint James the Greater....
Fine Jewellery
A large agate intaglio depicting the marriage of the Virgin....
Fine Jewellery
A delicate Renaissance gold ring set with a diamond....
Art & Antiques
An alabaster sculpture of Bacchus and Ariadne....
Fine Jewellery
A Medieval stirrup ring set with a cabochon garnet....
Art & Antiques
A polychrome wood and gesso Ba bird....
Fine Jewellery
A Medieval stirrup ring set with a cabochon sapphire....
Art & Antiques
A silver gilt mermaid rattle and whistle....
Art & Antiques
A bronze votive figure of Osiris....