Art & Antiques
Tea cozy cover
Brussels tape lace tea cozy cover...
Antique Dealer in Lace,Linen and Costume
Art & Antiques
Brussels tape lace tea cozy cover...
Art & Antiques
Fine lace black net jabot...
Art & Antiques
Fine lace black jabot....
Art & Antiques
Brussels princess laced small mats...
Art & Antiques
Chemical lace scarf....
Art & Antiques
Embroider net and crochet jabot...
Art & Antiques
Net and lace jabot....
Art & Antiques
Net and crochet oval tray cloth....
Art & Antiques
Net runner with Irish crochet....
Art & Antiques
Net with Irish crochet....
Art & Antiques
An assortment of various shaped and sized place mats and doylys....
Art & Antiques
Assortment of lace edged and embroidered handkerchiefs...
Art & Antiques
Maltese silk collar...
Art & Antiques
A Maltese silk lace Bertha....
Art & Antiques
A hand worked Maltese lace shawl collar....
Art & Antiques
Hand worked Maltese bobbin lace collar with ties....
Art & Antiques
Set of 14 place mats with Irish crochet and embroidery...
Art & Antiques
Hand worked filet and Point De Gaze collar...
Art & Antiques
Net skirt with hand tambour lace embroidery.Gathered at waist so one size...
Art & Antiques
Beautiful Brussels lace stole or runner.295x50cm...
Art & Antiques
Fine white net slope with bow design -250x42cm...
Art & Antiques
Coat made of net with beautiful handmade antique Irish crochet motifs...
Art & Antiques
Edwardian dress made of hand embroidered cotton and hand worked Irish crochet...